Status du projet

In a first step, we created a communication interface for an 8-year-old child who cannot speak but is eager to ...

Many technologies offer descriptions that allow people with a specific cognitive and/or sensory profile to ...

Willift facilitates daily tasks for patients with limited mobility in their upper limbs. Williams, one of our team ...

In everyday life, people with an arm disability have difficulty performing everyday tasks.During a fashion project ...

In order to communicate with hearing people, people with a hearing disability need a sign language interpreter ...

Plans and diagrams are essential elements of the teaching material. However, these elements are not accessible to ...

The device under development is an adjustable and controllable neck brace for people with poor neck mobility who ...

Many people with disabilities (PWD) have under-diagnosed health problems. Personal factors (health problems due to ...

Several online platforms make use of a growing database, maintained by Pro-Infirmis, concerning the accessibility ...

Access to leisure time activities for people with disabilities is sometimes restricted by a social, physical and ...

In order to improve access to health promotion and prevention information and offers, this project aims to design ...

Moving around in a wheelchair can quickly become extremely tiring (uphill, paved roads, long distances, etc.). It ...