Accessible tourism stays

Personal criteria: combined holiday offers

Phase 1


Type of project: Feasibility study

Disability concerned: People with motor, hearing or visual disabilities

Thematic: Sport, Free time

Status: Completed


The feasibility project involves carrying out a sociological study to identify personal criteria for the creation of automated holiday or excursion offers.



The feasibility project involves carrying out a sociological study to identify personal criteria for the creation of automated holiday or excursion offers. The first stage consisted of an inventory of the current situation in terms of tourist offers for people with disabilities. The second was a qualitative exploratory study of the needs expressed by users.

Carrying out this project gave us the opportunity to meet key players in the sector, to work with various professionals such as IT specialists, to put our project management knowledge into practice, and also to develop skills that can be transferred to other sectors. Communication was an important tool in the development of our project, both within our team and with our respondents.

This project has enabled us to flesh out ideas and confirm them by analysing the scientific literature, but also through discussion with the respondents who are the ultimate users of our platform. There are clearly needs that have not yet been addressed, and thanks to the FRH we can take a step in that direction.

Thanks to our study with people with reduced mobility, we have been able to determine their criteria when selecting a holiday. We would therefore like to implement them on the website, which already has a database, and enable customised holidays to be generated when the customer’s criteria are selected.

A group of people out for a walk. In the foreground, a person in a wheelchair is accompanied by a person walking.



Denatsha Shan

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