My Health: I learn and I choose
Interactive books facilitating access to health promotion and prevention for people with disabilities
Phase 2
Type of project: Prototype
Disability concerned: Mental disability
Topics: Personal care and health, physical fitness and psychological well-being, health promotion and prevention of non-transmissible diseases.
Status: Completed
The aim of this prototype is to design and develop equipment to facilitate access to health promotion and prevention (HPP) for people with intellectual disabilities living in institutions.
Many people with disabilities (PWD) have under-diagnosed health problems. Personal factors (health problems due to genetic predisposition or co-morbidities; difficulties in understanding and expressing pain) or environmental factors (reduced access to prevention and care, non-recognition of pain and suffering by family and friends) explain this situation.
The objective of this prototype is to conceptualise and develop materials that facilitate access to health promotion and prevention (HPP) for people with intellectual disabilities living in institutions. According to our initial study, this access should be done through an easily available and intuitive medium, offering attractive and fun educational content, which can be used by one person or several and which does not collect or record any personal data.
The conceptualisation and development phase resulted in 3 products: a double-page book containing an illustration and written messages, oral messages accessible with an interactive pen and a mock-up of a (non-functional) pen. When the prototype was tested, the page and the interactive pen aroused interest and were seen as a novelty. The activity was evaluated as fun. Suggestions for improvement were made by the PWDs.

HETSL – Haute Ecole de Travail social et de la santé-Lausanne
Linda Charvoz