logo of the FRH Fondation pour la Recherche en faveur des personnes Handicapées

The FRH is the Research Foundation for People with Disabilities.  It supports research projects.  It aims to improve the inclusion of people with disabilities in Switzerland.  


The FRH Foundation supports research.  Research helps to identify the needs of people with disabilities.  Research makes life easier for people with disabilities. 

The FRH Foundation shares its results with everyone.  These results are used to invent technologies.  These technologies help people with disabilities in their lives.   

Living Lab Handicap

Co-creation and innovation network

Interested in applying for our last round of funding?
Register for the Ideation Day on August 31st!
Find out more about the programme on ...our website:

@Innosuisse #SwissInnovationBooster

Volete partecipare al nostro ultimo ciclo di finanziamento?
Iscrivetevi alla giornata di ideazione del 31 agosto!
Per saperne di più sul ...programma, visitate il nostro sito web:

@Innosuisse #SwissInnovationBooster

Möchten Sie an unserer letzten Finanzierungsrunde teilnehmen?
Melden Sie sich für den Tag der Ideenfindung am 31. August an!
Entdecken ...Sie das Programm auf unserer Website:

@Innosuisse #SwissInnovationBooster

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