Status du projet
Getting up from a low seating surface is difficult for many people who rely on a walking aid. One of the main ...
The idea is to develop a regatta watch that is accessible to visually impaired sailors, while incorporating the ...
The team is already developing the WheelyWasher, an automatic station for cleaning wheelchair wheels quickly and ...
Our project aims to develop software for the detection and visualisation of stress induction or attempted ...
This prototype is part of a project to design a socio- digital communication and support solution for the Alfaset ...
This project involves the creation of a first prototype enabling skills, resources, experience and expertise to be ...
The WheelyWasher is an automatic wheelchair wheel cleaning station that enables wheelchair users to clean their ...
This project proposes an innovative application to enable children with severe motor disabilities to better ...
The aim of this project is to develop a platform to help with the support of adults and children with ...
Neurodivergent office workers with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder face unique sensory challenges. This ...
Development of digital exposure therapies to improve the social integration of autistic people in the form of ...
Faced with the complexity of the tasks involved in being an employer and the difficulties of accessing technology ...