Last Mile
Methodology for collecting accessibility data in the field
Phase 2
Type of project: Prototype
Disabilities concerned: Motor disability
Topics: Autonomy, Travel
Statut : In progress
This prototype aims to establish a methodology for collecting data on accessibility and obstacles on the public road.
Methodology and training for collecting data on accessibility and obstacles on public roads according to the scenarios below, which concern the initial collection of data and/or its updating over time:
1. Data collection (not covered by data from Swiss topo) directly in the field (adapted to initial data collection). Data collectors are trained to collect data in the field, and data is collected using a checklist and by taking images.
a. A trainer is present on the field and explains the methodology in real time.
b. Instructions on how to collect data are provided in writing and via a mix of images and videos (a mini-training session will be given on the tool to ensure that there are no difficulties in using the digital tool itself).
2. Via image collection: photos are taken on the field, the images are categorised by object and attribute types using image recognition software and are then analysed remotely. Instructions are provided in writing and via a mix of images and videos.
3. Signposting and subsequent data collection (adapted to updating) : Users report a problematic location in the public space by simply clicking on a button on their smartphone. The GPS location is collected and sent to the server. Once a significant number of reports have been collected, an alert is sent to the data collectors, who go out into the field to collect the data and update the system.