ASD Toolbox

Parental Strategies for Contextual Adjustemnts to Enhace Participation of Children and Adolescents with Autism: A Tool Box


Type of project: Prototype

Disabilities concerned: Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders

Topics: Participation in cultural life, sports and leisure activities, Participation at home

Statut : In progress

This toolbox is designed for parents of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It offers simple strategies that parents can access on a daily basis.

This toolbox is designed for parents of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It consists of 60-80 printed cards that parents can use in any order, offering flexibility and convenience. Each card contains contextualized strategies—simple, practical tips aimed at enhancing their child’s participation in everyday activities, both at home and in the community. The cards are easy to read and include experiences from other parents or illustrations, making the content relatable and actionable.

The cards are printed on durable paper, ensuring they can be used repeatedly in a variety of situations, making them a lasting resource for families. Their compact design and user-friendly format allow parents to quickly refer to them during their busy or stressful faily routines with their children with ASD empowering them to address specific challenges as they arise.

The toolbox offers low-threshold strategies that parents can access in everyday moments, sch as during breaks or while managing difficult behaviours, providing support without adding pressure. This toolbox is unique to the Swiss-German context and designed to be sustainable in the long term. Two key challenges lie ahead: Firstly, ensuring the toolbox is both practical and aesthetically appealing (the aim of this prototype). Secondly, promoting it effectively for easy access.

Picture of coloured cards stacked on top of each other.

Contact info

Kindertherapie Stäfa

Beate Krieger 

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