Accessible User Testing

Phase 2


Type of project: Prototype

Disabilities concerned: Hearing disability, Visual disability

Topics: Digital accessibility, Autonomy, Buildings and installations, Participation in cultural life, sports and leisure activities, Services and communication

Statut : In progress

This project aims to develop the user testing process for the ginto platform. The aim is to develop and test a prototype and a process for user testing, accessible to people with hearing and/or visual disabilities.

The ginto platform of the Sitios association collects and publishes information on the accessibility of buildings and mobility facilities in Switzerland. The corresponding app enables persons with disabilities to register a personal needs profile and search for accessible locations. At the same time, establishments such as restaurants, hotels or doctors’ surgeries can enter their own accessibility information.

To optimize the user experience and the relevance of the app to its target groups, Sitios regularly conducts user tests with end-users.

To date, these user tests have focused on the group of people with mobility impairments, and on the group of people who enter information about the accessibility of their facilities themselves.

This project aims to further develop the user testing process. The aim is to develop and test a prototype and a process for accessible user testing for people with hearing and/or visual disabilities.

The entire methodological and technical process of user testing will be taken into account: invitation, format (online, offline), language, role and behavior of the moderator, visualization of the app’s new functionalities.

The way in which test participants receive feedback is also essential: until now, this feedback has been given orally, based on visual and verbal instructions for a test situation. For persons with a hearing or visual disability, this requires a new understanding, and possibly new tools and support offers (e.g. sign language translation).

Sitios wants to develop and test such an inclusive test design, in collaboration with people affected and application development specialists.

Screenshots of the ginto app by Sitios.

Contact info


Daniela Schöb 

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