Accessible learning in 3D

Phase 1


Type of project: Exploratory research

Disability concerned: Visual disability

Topic: Education

Status: Completed


The project tested how maps can be made tactilely accessible using 3D printing. 


Plans and diagrams are essential elements of the teaching material. However, these elements are not accessible to people with visual impairments. The wealth of information contained in the graphics cannot be directly translated into another representation. 3D printing can make graphics accessible and is widely available. However, the high cost of creation and the lack of experience prevents widespread use. The project tested how maps can be made tactically accessible through 3D printing. 

The focus was on the automated creation of 3D prints from illustrations in the teaching material, and the creation of 3D prints from vector graphics was tested. The graphics were converted into a greyscale image using OpenCV and edge detection was performed. The resulting image is adapted to the requirements of 3D printing, for example by widening the edges and increasing the contrast. The results of the image processing were loaded into 3D modelling software and applied to a grid as a Height Map.

A file was thus created that can be printed. The software used is freely available and can be used free of charge.The prints created were tested in two stages.Firstly, an evaluation took place with the teachers. This was done by means of a qualitative survey with semi-structured interviews about the perception of the material used and the presentation of the contents.The created printouts are well suited for educational use and can be useful for people with and without visual impairment.

3D printing


Ostschweizer Fachhochschule

Frieder Loch



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