Scientific committee

Véronique Antonin-Tattini
Professor and researcher, University of applied sciences for social work, HES-SO Valais Wallis
Work inclusion, social policies, social work

Carole Baudin
Hybrid training in mechanical engineering and product design engineering, doctorate in socio-cognitive anthropology and anthropotechnology, member of the user-centred product design research group of the HE-Arc of Neuchâtel
Ergonomics, ethnography, design, sensory anthropology, anthropotechnology

Anthony Beudaert
Lecturer in Management Sciences, University Savoie Mont Blanc, IREGE.
Disability and consumption, vulnerability, identity transformation, embodied experience

Pierrette Bouillon
Dean of the Faculty of Translation and Interpretation, Director of the Department of Multilingual Data Processing, Professor
Accessible medical communication, Automatic translation to pictograms, Tools for communication

Luc Bovet
Resident doctor in pharmacology at the University Hospitals of Geneva

Rocco Brignoli
Scientific collaborator Working world, INSOS, the national branch association of service providers for people with disabilities (ARTISET federation)
Inclusion, training and professional participation

Eva De Lera
Executive Director and European Programme Manager, Raising The Floor - International
Digital inclusion

Joël Fluss
Associate Physician, Paediatric Neurology Unit, Children's Hospital, Geneva
Paediatric neuropsychology, school learning disorders, paediatric cerebrovascular diseases, neurodevelopmental consequences of early brain damage, cognitive disorders in children with cerebral palsy

Barbara Fontana-Lana
Lecture and Research Associate at the Department of Specialised Pedagogy of the University of Fribourg
Intellectual disability and adulthood, self-determination, citizen participation, decision making, cognitive psychology, qualitative methodologies

Dominique Genoud
PhD in information systems, senior research engineer, Innosuisse expert, R&D consultant, research professor at the Institute of Information Systems of the HES-SO Valais-Wallis, Sierre
Voice recognition, biometrics, data analysis systems, signal and image processing, text mining, machine learning, augmented intelligence.

Viviane Guerdan
Honorary President of AIRHM and ASA-Handicap mental, psychologist and educational psychologist, honorary professor of the Haute Ecole Pédagogique du canton de Vaud, Lausanne
Intellectual disability, psychology, specialised pedagogy, social inclusion and participation, researcher/family/beneficiary partnerships, implementation of the CRPD

Stéphane Jullien
Logopedist, Doctor in Language Sciences, Lecturer at the Institute of Logopedic Sciences of the University of Neuchâtel, AAC trainer
Speech Therapy, Language Sciences, Alternative Communication Technologies (AAC)

Markus Kosel
Associate deputy doctor, head of mental development psychiatry unit, department of psychiatric specialties, department of mental health and psychiatry, HUG, Thônex.
Psychiatry, mental health

Pascal Maeder
Doctor in contemporary social history and general secretary of the LIVES Social Innovation platform
Specialist in Swiss social policies and research-based social innovation (especially in social sciences and humanities)

Jean-Philippe Nau
Senior Lecturer in Management Sciences, University of Lorraine, CEREFIGE.
Inclusion and exclusion through consumption.

Stéphanie Perruchoud
Doctor of Philosophy, teacher and postdoc researcher at UNIL
Philosophy of nature, anthropology of the body, ethics of vulnerability, ethics of care
Estelle Peyrard

Ariane Ranjbar-Massy
Occupational therapist HES, hypnopratician. Specialised in adult neurological rehabilitation, ergonomics, positioning, adaptation and layout of the environment, implementation of auxiliary means facilitating daily activities, pain management, Lausanne, Chablais vaudois.
Ergotherapy, hypnotherapy, neurological rehabilitation, pains

Daniel Schneider
Doctorate in political science, advocate of the introduction of creative pedagogical strategies and information and communication technologies, TECFA, University of Geneva.
Modular architectures, educational technology, pedagogy, digital design and manufacturing in education, informal learning

Henk Verloo
Master's degree in hospital sciences, tropical medicine, palliative care, doctorate in nursing sciences, full professor at HES-SO Valais and visiting professor at the University of Lausanne.
Hospital sciences, tropical medicine, palliative care, geriatric nursing, clinical and research expert