Office Environments
Towards Sensory-Inclusive Office Environments for Workers with ADD/ADHD: Validating Sensory Challenges and Exploring Adjustments in a Socio-Ecological Context
Phase 2
Type of project: Exploratory research
Disabilities concerned: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Topics: Equality at work
Statut : In progress
This research aims to explore the sensory challenges of workers with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD) depending on workspace, social and organisational factors.
In Switzerland, an estimated 5-7% of the adult population is affected by ADHD/ADD, often experiencing sensory challenges at work, such as sensitivity to noise, which can lead to stress and difficulties in job retention. These obstacles frequently hinder full participation in conventional office environments.This study aims to address these challenges by investigating targeted interventions, including noise-cancelling tools and flexible workspace designs,
to enhance workplace inclusion and improve outcomes for ADHD workers. Our prior FRH-funded quantitative study demonstrates significant sensory challenges faced by workers, but the nuanced nature of their sensory profiles and their varying responses to adjustments suggest a need for deeper exploration through qualitative methods for refinement of adjustments.
This research aims to:
1: Explore sensory challenges for ADHD/ADD workers dependency with workspace, social, and organizational factors.
2: Validate and further develop findings from Study 1 across various settings.
3: Synthesize results to develop context-aware recommendations.