Last Mile

Meta-analysis and feasibility study to develop a route planner for people with mobility impairments


Type of project: Feasibility study

Disability concerned: Motor disability

Topics: Autonomy, Services and communication, Public transportation

Status: In progress

The aim of this feasibility study is to analyse existing tools in order to develop a route planner for people with mobility impairments.

User: Getting around in public spaces is a daily challenge for people with mobility impairments. It is above all the planning of journeys that is made impossible by the lack of suitable tools.

Making the most of existing projects: In recent years, accessibility data has been centralised, in particular :

  • Accessibility of buildings by Pro Infimis
  • Accessibility of public transport (vehicles, stations and bus stops) by the Federal Office of Transport.

This data has been used in various applications, including :

  • Bootis, which lets you plan holidays based on mobility constraints and personal preferences
  • Ginto, which lets you search for accessible buildings according to accessibility categories
  • SBB app, which can be used to determine accessible routes on public transport.

However, the usefulness of these applications remains limited as long as journeys in public spaces cannot be planned.

Initial product: A Google map-type tool for planning journeys in public spaces, adapted for people with mobility impairments on the basis of information gathered in the field.

Iterative development: Ultimately, the aim is also to include other data sets (accessibility of buildings, public transport, topographical data, practical information, etc.) using a tool that enables iterative development and interoperability of existing APIs. The integration of profiles for parents with pushchairs is also envisaged, but will require specific market and usage research.

Approach: Various projects have been carried out in Switzerland and have been identified. Although some have led to prototypes, these projects have not resulted in concrete products for various reasons.

The aim is therefore to carry out a meta-analysis of these projects, in order to extract the best practices and centralise them in a single project. In addition, other projects have been carried out in France, but need to be adapted to the context and the nature and formats of the data in Switzerland.

Illustration of a mobile phone displaying a map with an itinerary.

Contact information

Association Slowlution

Iman El Telt 

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