Tool for professionals working in institutions – to help them manage difficult behaviour (HEVE) in adults with cognitive impairment
Type of project: Prototype
Disabilities concerned: Autism and pervasive developmental disorders, Mental disability, Multiple disabilities
Themes: communication, housing, responsibility, nutrition, physical health and psychological well-being, social relations, associative and spiritual life.
Status: Completed
The aim of the project is to develop a concept for a tool that encourages professionals to develop a reflective understanding of difficult behaviour, so that they can design appropriate services on this basis.
Challenging behaviours (HEVE), such as self-aggression, aggression towards others or damage to property, are numerous and constitute a frequent challenge in the support of people with cognitive disorders. According to the project team, HEVEs are the result of an unfavourable interaction between the individual with HEVEs and his or her environment. The latter also includes the professionals in the institutions, who are confronted with various difficulties in their daily work (e.g. limited resources in terms of staff and time, divergent needs of the clientele, difficult relationship management).
This is where the present project comes in, because despite the existing need, to the knowledge of the project team, there is currently no digital offer for professionals to get low-threshold support in their daily work.
The aim of the project is therefore to develop a concept for a tool that encourages professionals to understand HEVE in a reflective way in order to design appropriate offers on this basis.
A checklist was developed on the basis of a situation analysis model developed by the project team as part of an SNSF project for the management of HEVE. On the other hand, a workshop with potential users developed ideas for possible tools that could help them manage HEVE. In collaboration with the iHomeLab of the University of Lucerne, two ideas were then developed into an expert:in knowledge management system for HEVE management.

Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit FHNW
Eva Büschi