Ideation Week 2021
May 18th – 22nd 2021
Recordings of the week’s events
Tuesday 18th May
Cinema Accessibility
Live stream from the Cinémas du Grütli (Salle Henri Langlois), Geneva
Language: French
Start 9.00 Co-organisators: Vision Positive and Regards Neufs
From cinema to TV: the challenges of accessibility
From the first audio-descriptions of the RTS in 2008 to the release of the Greta app in 2016, let’s discover how the future is shaping up for audio-visual accessibility in Switzerland and in the French-speaking world. The focus of this round table will be on accessibility for people with visual impairment.
9.00 Introduction
9.10 Welcome, Véronique Lombard (City of Geneva)
9.20 Screening of a film extract in audio description
9.40 Round Table on the theme of accessibility in cinema
Speakers present:
- Bruno Quiblier, Association Base-Court,
- Application Greta
- Martine Chalverat, Festival Visions du Réel
- Nicole Grieve, Culture Inclusive
- Yves Wansi, Festival Ecoutez Voir
- Philippe Hêche, Accessibility RTS
- Moderation by Céline Witschard, Vision Positive
During the round table, the people present in the audience will be able to ask their questions related to the accessibility of cinema to the speakers.
10.40 Conclusion
Inclusion through social projects
Presentation of social projects promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities in Switzerland. These projects touching different spheres of daily life allow people living with a disability, as well as the people around them and the professionals who accompany them, to have better access to information, leisure, training, etc.
10:00 Virtual guided tour in the iHomeLab
10.20-11.50 Presentation of the projects:
- CABINET, Andrew Paice (iHomeLab)
- Ärger Box, Yvonne Brütsch (KBK Bern)
- Auto-Ecole, Thomas Erne (Fondation Cerebral), Beat Schwendimann (Driving instructor) and Anita Rohrer (Student driver)
- SEGEL, Corinne Wohlgensinger (OST), Peter Ladner and Urban Hanny (Participants)
11.35 Questions from the participants
11.50 Conclusion
Global Accessibility Awareness Day
During this event, different aspects of digital accessibility will be discussed, such as facilitating access to information through online platforms and Swiss accessibility standards. Concrete projects will be presented that promote the inclusion of people with disabilities through improved accessibility.
9.00 Introduction and welcome
9.10 Why digital accessibility: Benjamin Nanchen (Living Lab Handicap)
9.15 The Swiss accessibility norms. Matthieu Delaloye (eGov Innovation Center)
9.20 National vision and application in Switzerland. Nathalie Christen (Federal Office for Equality for People with Disabilities)
9.35 Examples of application. Julien Conti (Republic and Canton of Geneva)
9.50 Digital Poverty: Elisa Fellay-Favre (HES-SO Valais Wallis)
10.05 Accessible written content: good practices. Aline Veyre (HETSL)
10.20 Innovation: obstacle or motor of accessibility. David Rossé (Swisscom)
10.35 Digital Café: La Claye Digitale. Samuel Chardon (Centre de la Gabrielle)
10.50 Conclusion
Web Accessibility
Online Workshop
Language: French
Time : 17.00 to 18.00
Proposé par Web Accessible et Vision Positive
Web Accessibility
This online workshop is offered by Léa Marmet Sperandio (Web Accessible) and Céline Witschard (Vision Positive).
The workshop is free of charge and open to all those interested.
Topics covered by the workshop:
- What is web accessibility
- Who are the people concerned by web accessibility
- How does it work
Thanks to the speakers, you will learn about concrete examples of web accessibility.
Accessible Buildings
What are the steps and requirements for accessible facilities, infrastructures and buildings for people with disabilities and reduced mobility? What should a company, a municipality or even a private person pay attention to if they want to make their premises accessible?
What concrete and creative ideas can be put in place to facilitate access to public and private premises and infrastructures?
10.00 Introduction and welcome
10.15 Bringhen, what is the vision? Jean-Pierre Bringhen
10:30 Universal accessibility: Sébastien Kessler (id-Geo)
10:50 Saneo+ and new accessible locations: Jacques Moreillon and Frédérc Michel (Bringhen)
11.05 Home automation: Franco De Luca (Helios Handicap)
11.20 Access ramps in Lego: Aline Erbland and Lauriane Ryser (Ramp To Go)
11.35 It’s your turn to play! A fun challenge to do at home