

WeMap Crowdsourced map based mobile application for enhanced accessibility   WeMap aims to be a dynamic co-construction platform that offers the necessary information on the “spatial heritage” according to the degree and difficulty of physical...
Artists with disabilities

Artists with disabilities

Artists with disabilities   Artists with disabilities: practices, issues and perspectives related to their support For several years, institutions that provide care for people with disabilities (intellectual disabilities) have been offering workshops with an...


StayFitLonger   An integrated platform for healthy aging at home The project aims to offer a program of physical and cognitive exercises for seniors. This program will be accessible through a mobile application including a virtual coach to boost adherence to the...
Megane Pro

Megane Pro

Megane Pro     In recent years, some scientific papers showed that the combination of visual and electromyography data can strongly extend the capabilities of dexterous prostheses. With MEGANE PRO, we aim to bring the research in this field to its next step, i.e....
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