

Type of project: Prototype

Disabilities concerned: Motor disability

Topics: Health, Mobility

Statut : In progress

Skywalk is a low-tech and affordable bodyweight support device.

Skywalk is a low-tech and affordable bodyweight support device.

It is based on a well-known set of devices in the rehabilitation field, i.e. bodyweigth support devices, those allow the user to feel lighter in a standing position.

They are also fallproof and offer full safety to the users.

Skywalk is made of a harness attached around the trunk and the legs of the user. This harness is then suspended on a mobile platform with a rope and pulley mechanism and a series of elastic ropes for providing the anti-gravity forces.

The major advantage of the Skywalk is that it can offer dynamic compensation without high-technology (no actuators, electronics and power source) which means that it is projected to decrease the purchasing price by a factor 10x to 100x.

Photo of a person using the Skywalk prototype.

Contact info

Autonomyo Sàrl

Amalric Ortlieb 

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