
Phase 2


Type of project: Prototype

Disability concerned: Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Neurodevelopmental disorders

Topics: Digital accessibility, Autonomy, Equality at work, Employment support

Status: In progress

Neurolien enables people with neurodivergences to promote their professional skills, while indicating their specific characteristics. The aim of this new mobile application is to put neuroatypical people in direct contact with work assignments, regardless of who the job is for.

Neurolien enables people with neurodivergences to promote their professional skills while highlighting their specific characteristics. The aim of this new mobile application (Android and iOS) is to put neuroatypical people in direct contact with work assignments, whoever the recipient (neuroatypical or non-neuroatypical people, individuals, companies, the self-employed). The search system is reversed: service seekers (known as “beneficiaries”) can search for service providers (known as “talents”) and establish contact only if the talent selected is willing and interested in the proposed assignment.

Talent profiles may also be shared (word-of-mouth system). Beneficiaries undertake to respect the specific characteristics of each person before the first contact is made. To this end, Neurolien provides for a penalty system in the form of financial compensation in the event of failure to respect the specific characteristics of the person concerned despite consenting to the application’s user charter. Neurolien will take the form of a mobile application to facilitate exchanges, remote management and accessibility. In this first prototype, we will be targeting people with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in French-speaking Switzerland.

Neurolien will promote the professional inclusion of neurodivergent people by enhancing their skills. Particular attention will be paid to safety and the fight against discrimination of all kinds. The application stands out for being free of charge, helping talented people and beneficiaries to find the right rate and providing recommendations that are visible to all users of the application. Assistance will also be available if needed, whether for a technical problem or a dispute between beneficiary and talent.

Neurolien logo with text: Neurolien - sharing our talents

Contact information


Lauriane Villain 

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