

Type of project: Exploratory research

Disability concerned: Visual impairment

Topics: Digital accessibility, Autonomy, Communication, Leisure

Status: Completed

The Braillant project aims to develop a smartphone film with raised Braille symbols, combined with an application with functions to make it easier for visually impaired people to use.

The BRAILLANT project aims to develop a smartphone film with raised Braille symbols, combined with an application with functions to make it easier for visually impaired people to use.

This way, users will be able to use their smartphone autonomously and easily, without having to resort to expensive specialist tools.


  • Valuing everyone’s ideas: By involving all team members, everyone feels valued, which can increase motivation and commitment to the project.
  • Development of communication skills: The need to share and exchange ideas helps to hone the team’s communication skills.
Braillant prototype

Contact info


Alfredo Nardelli

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