Inclusion Days 2021

As part of Innovation Booster Technology & Special Needs, the FRH organises several events during the year, including two key events: an ideation week in May and a prototyping week in October.

Workshops at the ECCG of Sierre : March 16th and 18th 2021

In March, the Business and General Culture School of Sierre hosts the Innovation Booster during two half-day workshops. This intervention with students – and therefore future professionals in the health, social and economic fields – allows students to experience a real-life test of some of the events that will be offered during the year. On the other hand, it offers students training in ideation techniques, particularly participatory ones. In addition, it gives them the opportunity to experience different types of disability in an immersive way, in order to raise their awareness of the issue of accessibility and to become stakeholders and actors of change.

These workshops will be documented and can be taken up in other schools in order to offer this approach to students from other cantons.

Ideation Week: 17-23 May 2021

This national week brings together stakeholders in the field of disability, as well as all those interested and concerned, around events that address different themes related to disability.

On the other hand, this inclusive event allows the needs of people with disabilities, their relatives and the professionals who work with them to emerge. It is also an opportunity for people with disabilities and their families, as well as anyone interested, to start imagining solutions to meet the needs expressed.

Find the programme of the week here.

Participation at the Inclusive Fashion Symposium : May 27th 2021

On May 27th, the FRH participates in the symposium on inclusive fashion, organised by ASA Handicap Mental Genève. The theme of accessible and inclusive fashion for people with disabilities will be discussed, as well as the possibility of inventing new technologies for clothing for people with disabilities.

Workshop Fab Lab : 7-8-9th october 2021

During this event, multidisciplinary teams co-construct concrete solutions to respond to concrete problems and needs expressed by people with disabilities, their families and the professionals who work with them. Interested people can already visit the ideation platform to take part in discussions and share ideas to respond to the issues addressed.

Training days: June 26th and October 2nd

Participants to the different challenges of the Innovation Booster Technology and Special Needs will have access to training sessions, in order to better understand and be able to put into practice the principles of Design Thinking and participative methodologies. These days take place twice a year, during each of the two calls for projects.


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